Supervisory Control & Data Acquisition

SCADA is an acronym for Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition. SCADA generally refers to an industrial computer system that monitors and controls a process. In the case of the transmission and distribution elements of electrical utilities

Energy Conservation


Energy has become an important prerequisite for the economic development. Energy is a most problematic issue in the world. As a rule of thumb modern day manufacturing industries utilize at least 33% production cost in terms of energy prices.

Change Over & Synchronization Panels

Synchronizing panel will operate on an automatic mains failure system, so that when the main supply is interrupted on one or all phases (after an adjustable delay period) the generator sets will start-up together.

Distribution Panel

A distribution board (also known as panel board, breaker panel, or electric panel) is a component of an electricity supply system that divides an electrical power feed into subsidiary circuits, while providing a protective fuse or circuit breaker for each circuit in a common enclosure.

Power Cables

We install cable in trench, duct and all forms of cable containment. Cable installations range from fiber optic through to large CSA power cables. No cable is too large.

Human Machine Interface

Dyconix offers a Human Machine Interface (HMI) to keep you connected with your system like never before. HMIs are ideal for monitoring and controlling a conveyor system and are very user friendly.


Dyconix provides Programmable Logic Control (PLC) and Distributed Control Systems (DCS) services for a wide range of technologies. We have an experienced group of highly proficient programmers.

Power & Utility Boilers

Rapidly depleting reserves of fossil fuels & close competition in energy market steered the industrialists to use efficient & economic Power & Utility Boilers at their facilities. Dyconix Engineering also geared itself to provide a competitive solution in this field.

Co-Generation & Heat Recovery Solutions

The growing use of captive power by local industries & government policies towards gas supply in this connection arise the need of Co-Generation & Heat Recovery Systems. This is well justified if a single watt of thermal energy is taken into account

Heat Exchangers & Hygienic Grade

Heat Exchangers are vital & essential part of today’s Industry. Types & Configuration plays an important role in the performance of Heat Exchangers. Dyconix Engineering manufactures all type of shell & tube heat exchangers

Petroleum and Gas

By 2050, the global population is expected to reach nearly 10 billion people, illustrating the need for safe, reliable, and affordable energy. In an increasingly complex energy market, the industry is facing new challenges transitioning to more renewable sources.

Industrial Manufacturing

Dyconix Engineering Manufactures Pressure Vessels, Reactors, Column & Towers, Autoclaves, Cyclones, Stacks and other Engineering Equipment as per relevant design & codes in different materials from plain CS to Alloy Steels.

Our Services